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Mary Dwyer joins SYNCHRONICITY 2018 lineup

SYNCHRONICITY 2018 | Speaker Announcement | Mary Dwyer

I am so excited to announce Mary Dwyer has agreed to join us at Synchronicity 2018.

Mary Dwyer is CEO of Impact Solutions International. She lives locally but most of her work is international. Last year she travelled to 16 different countries - mostly for work, some for pleasure, but all for learning.

Her focus is large scale change through dynamic leadership, especially in the nexus between big business and the resolution of violent and armed conflict.

This year she brings Femme Q as a leadership concept to Tasmania. It is a disruption that is overdue. Mary will share what it is, why it is important and how it contributes to powerful and transformative leadership in both the masculine and feminine. It is the golden key that opens extraordinary and powerful leadership.

She will speak on Day 1 and run a MasterClass on Day 2.

I am so excited to have Mary join the line up.

Tickets can be purchased here.

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